Tufo Comtura Prima Review: Fast and Grippy Racing Tires

Tufo Comtura Prima review: Farsports Ventoux S S4 wheel with Tufo Comtura Prima tan wall tire.

If you have read Cyclists Hub for some time, you know I use Tufo Comtura 4 TR tires as my control tires. However, Tufo released a new tire in 2023 called Comtura Prima.

I’ve been riding them for about 2000 km now, so I share my experience in this review. I will also update it in the future as I put more miles on these tires.


Tufo Comtura Prima tires feel much faster than Comtura 4 TR. I feel more confident in corners as they provide a better grip, mainly in wet. Primas are also lighter and more affordable than other tires in a similar performance range level. They feel similar to the Continental GP5000 S TR. However, Primas are cheaper and easier to seat but have slightly higher rolling resistance.

Continue reading to learn more.

Main Features and Technical Specifications

Main Features

  • Low rolling resistance
  • Excellent grip (also in wet)
  • Good puncture resistance
  • Easy to seat

Technical Specifications

  • Widths available: 25 and 28mm
  • Weight:
    • 220g (25mm)
    • 240g (28mm)
  • Colors available: Black or tan-sides

My Experience

I use Tufo Comtura 4 TR 28mm tires for all wheelsets to have comparable test and ride experience results. However, I wanted to try faster tires because Comturas 4 TR were designed for high durability, not low rolling resistance.

I could seat Primas easily on my Farsports Ventoux S 45mm wheels. They felt softer than Comturas. I didn’t need tire levers. Maybe I am more skillful? Haha.

Tufo Comtura Prima tire thread detail.
Tufo Comtura Prima tire thread

Because I don’t have sophisticated testing equipment like Bicycle Rolling Resistance, I relied mainly on my feelings and ride experience. I know Ventoux wheels well, so the only thing that changed was the tires.

Primas simply felt faster and grippier. According to the BRR, the rolling resistance difference between Comtura 4 TR and Primas is about ~3.2W per tire, so 6.4W in total, which is a big marginal gain. I also tried Continental Grand Prix 5000 S TR tires but didn’t notice significant speed or grip differences compared to Primas.

Because of their excellent grip, I felt much more confident in corners on Primas. I am a careful rider, so I don’t push my bike to its limits, but I never felt like the tire should slip, even when wet.

I rode about 2000 km on Primas, so I can’t comment on their long-term durability (5000 and more km). I will update this review once I have more kilometers on them. Below is a detailed picture of the thread after about 1000 km.

Detail on the Tufo Comtura Prima after about 1000 km.
Tufo Comtura Prima after about 1000 km


Based on my experience and unscientific testing, Tufo Comtura Prima are worthy tires, especially thanks to their excellent grip and low rolling resistance.

They are about 40g lighter per tire than the GP5000 S TR, provide slightly better grip in wet conditions, and are more affordable. They also provide decent puncture resistance. I avoided punctures despite riding on roads full of debris and rocks after winter.

Tufo FAQ

The product for this review was kindly provided by the manufacturer. This did not influence my overall verdict or my opinion about the product.

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